Manifestation Monday

Veda Prajvalan
2 min readDec 1, 2020

What intentions are you setting today? What are you grateful for in advance? How are you using your energy? Are you becoming “the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life”? (Golda Meir)

There are so many choice points in every day to direct attention and intention. Life is never short on opportunities to grow in every direction. Studying Buddhism has been helpful for me to expand self-awareness and notice more readily when I’m on auto-pilot coming from conditioned responses. As my focus determines my reality, I want to be as conscious about that as possible. Making small changes over time and continuing to practice has made a huge difference for me. As have tools of hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming and energy work for changing programming at a subconscious level.

There’s a ton out there on manifestation and my goal here isn’t so much to offer methods but rather to encourage an open mind and starting where you are. Using moments each day to create more of what you want and less of what you don’t, creates momentum and makes bigger goals and changes easier to come by. Beyond that, there’s many things that can assist you to raise your energy, improve your focus and set intentions. For many people, Monday isn’t something they have a lot of enthusiasm about, so to re-frame it for myself, I remind myself on Manifestation Monday (and every day) I’m always manifesting and not to let my energy and thoughts tank or focus on the negative even if others around are swimming in that direction. So set your intentions, march to your own drummer, dance to your own tune and manifest your own happiness watching it get easier and more impactful with practice.



Veda Prajvalan

Intuitive Change Agent, Lifelong Learner, Observer, Writer, Photographer