Overflowing Love for Life

Veda Prajvalan
2 min readNov 30, 2020

While every moment doesn’t feel ecstatic, thankfully very many of them do, and they run together more and more. My heaven may be someone else’s misery, yet I find so much to be grateful for and so much that is beautiful to revel in every day. I feel very fortunate to have seen and experienced so much that has given me perspective on how truly blessed I am and I’m grateful to maintain that understanding the majority of the time.

It wasn’t always that way. Especially at the start of major changes, like moving from one state or country to another. Big transitions can really suck in the beginning. And experiencing single-parenting for many years presented unique challenges that could often feel overwhelming. I’m enjoying a greater lightness with increased independence that adds to the sweetness of my current abiding state of joy.

The perspective of hindsight is a wonderful thing — seeing the payoff to the challenges and changes endured and being glad for the choices made and the fears faced. Had I not left my parent’s mindset, my hometown, my prescribed life, unhealthy relationships — had I accepted that I’d “made my bed” so now I had to “lie in it” and couldn’t opt for a “do-over” at any moment — I would have missed out on so much and wouldn’t be who I am today — which I love beyond words. Seeing how the challenges and changes were exactly what was needed to produce the unique expression/vessel/conduit that is me gives me more understanding and patience with others on their own unique journeys and I feel greater peace and acceptance. Change is easier to embrace knowing that it is for my highest good, as evidenced over and over. Staying open to the flow with less resistance has brought much greater ease into my life.

I hope to encourage and inspire others to push through and flow with their challenges and tough times, feeling confident that they will be victorious and come into their fullness on the other side. Very often we are motivated by pain and moving away from it once it becomes bad enough. Rather, it is much more effective to move towards that which we want to create.

2020 has brought plenty of uncertainty and change. Yet the waves have been easier to ride and the future faced with more confidence and anticipation than anxiety or fear as I embrace it and flow with it. This adds to my gratitude and I find myself overflowing with love for who I get to be and the life I am creating.



Veda Prajvalan

Intuitive Change Agent, Lifelong Learner, Observer, Writer, Photographer